ITS Standards

ITS Factory Developer Wikistä
Versio hetkellä 12. syyskuuta 2012 kello 12.17 – tehnyt Jjokela (keskustelu | muokkaukset)

Main ITS standardization organizations and activities

WG1 Architecture WG1 Electronic fee collection and access control (EFC) Example
WG3 ITS Database Technologies WG2 Freight, Logistics and Commercial Vehicle Operations Example
WG4 Automatic vehicle and equipment identification WG3 Public transport (PT) Example
WG5 Fee and toll collection WG4 Traffic and traveller information (TTI) Example
WG7 General fleet management and commercial/freight WG8 Road traffic data (RTD) Example
WG8 Public transport/emergency WG9 Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) Example
WG9 Integrated transport information, management and control WG10 Man-machine interfaces (MMI) Example
WG10 Traveller information systems WG12 Automatic Vehicle Identification and Automatic Equipment Identification (AVI/AEI) Example
WG11 Route guidance and navigation systems WG13 Architecture and terminology Example
WG14 Vehicle/roadway warning and control systems WG14 After theft systems for the recovery of stolen vehicles Example
WG15 Dedicated short range communications for TICS applications WG15 eSafety Example
WG16 Wide area communications/protocols and interfaces WG16 Co-operative systems Example
WG17 Nomadic Devices in ITS Systems Example
WG18 Cooperative systems Example

Standard data formats used in ITS Factory

The following data format standards supported by the ITS Factory will provide a convenient way of using traffic information and enable scalability of services

DATEX II provides a standardized way of communicating and exchanging traffic information between traffic centers to enable better management of road network. It covers a wide range of content describing travel times, weather conditions, road infrastructure status, incidents and accidents, and traffic related measurements.

SIRI Service Interface for Real Time Information specifies how to exchange information about the planned, current or projected performance of real-time public transport operations.

GML Geography Markup Language serves as a modeling language for geographical data. It is used to indicate roads, buildings, highways, bridges and other map data.

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