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ITS Factory Developer Wikistä
Tero.piirainen (keskustelu | muokkaukset)
Ei muokkausyhteenvetoa
Tero.piirainen (keskustelu | muokkaukset)
Ei muokkausyhteenvetoa
Rivi 17: Rivi 17:
Availability: released weekly<br/>
Availability: released weekly<br/>
Maintainance: Finnsh Transport Agency<br/>
Maintainance: Finnsh Transport Agency<br/>
Licence: [Finnish Transport Agency's Open Data License]
Licence: [ Finnish Transport Agency's Open Data License ]

===Data scope===
===Data scope===

Versio 7. lokakuuta 2014 kello 14.12

National Bus stop database by Finnish Transport Agency. The data is being processed for Vallu which is a national transport permission system and for the national ticket and payment system.

Bus stop data has been gathered by contacting different authorities from municipalities, HSL and the regional centers for economic development, transport and the environment. The bus stop data has been processed to a database and it is still under update process. Some of the regions and municipalities were not able to provide the bus stop data in time so that data will be included in near future.

Basic Information

Data format: CSV
Standard: -
Availability: released weekly
Maintainance: Finnsh Transport Agency
Licence: Finnish Transport Agency's Open Data License

Data scope

Tampere bus traffic.

Data contents

  • According to GTFS specification:
    • agency.txt - Required - Transit agency that provides the data in this feed: Tampereen joukkoliikenne.
    • stops.txt - Required Individual locations where vehicles pick up or drop off passengers.
    • routes.txt - Required - Transit routes. A route is a group of trips that are displayed to riders as a single service.
    • trips.txt - Required - Trips for each route. A trip is a sequence of two or more stops that occurs at specific time.
    • stop_times.txt - Required - Times that a vehicle arrives at and departs from individual stops for each trip.
    • calendar.txt - Required - Dates for service IDs using a weekly schedule. Specify when service starts and ends, as well as days of the week where service is available.
    • calendar_dates.txt - Optional - Exceptions for the service IDs defined in the calendar.txt file. If calendar_dates.txt includes ALL dates of service, this file may be specified instead of calendar.txt.
    • shapes.txt - Optional - Rules for drawing lines on a map to represent a transit organization's routes.
  • These GTFS data are not available in Tampere:
    • fare_attributes.txt - Optional - Fare information for a transit organization's routes.
    • fare_rules.txt - Optional - Rules for applying fare information for a transit organization's routes.
    • frequencies.txt - Optional - Headway (time between trips) for routes with variable frequency of service.
    • transfers.txt - Optional - Rules for making connections at transfer points between routes.
    • feed_info.txt - Optional - Additional information about the feed itself, including publisher, version, and expiration information.

Access constraints

  • Use is free of charge.
  • Distribution and re-use of the data is allowed.

API access

Access request

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