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Tero.piirainen (keskustelu | muokkaukset)
Created page with "Category:APIs Category:Tampere_APIs Category:Public_Transport_APIs __NOTOC__ City of Tampere offers access right to '''Tampere Reittiopas API''' (Journey Planner..."
Ei muokkausyhteenvetoa
Rivi 12: Rivi 12:
Availability: 9/2012<br/>
Availability: 9/2012<br/>
Maintainance: Tampere City Public Transport<br/>
Maintainance: Tampere City Public Transport<br/>
Licence: [[Tampere City Open Data License|Tampere City Open Data License]]

===Data scope===
===Data scope===
Rivi 30: Rivi 29:
*Distribution and re-use of the data is allowed.
*Distribution and re-use of the data is allowed.
*Due limited service capacity, queries of one account is limited to max. 5000 weighted query in one hour.
*Due limited service capacity, queries of one account is limited to max. 5000 weighted query in one hour.
===API access===
===Access request===
===More information===

Versio 31. lokakuuta 2022 kello 14.51

City of Tampere offers access right to Tampere Reittiopas API (Journey Planner) interface, when application or service supports public transport usage and transport information availability.

Basic Information

Data format: XML/JSON
Standard: -
Availability: 9/2012
Maintainance: Tampere City Public Transport

Data scope

Tampere bus routes and traffic. Cycling routes.

Data contents

  • Bus stops geocoding
  • Points of interest (POI) geocoding
  • Reverse geocoding of bus stops and POIs
  • Routing between two points
  • Search for the bus stop’s timetable
  • Cycling routes.

Access constraints

  • Access given by request.
  • Use is free of charge.
  • Distribution and re-use of the data is allowed.
  • Due limited service capacity, queries of one account is limited to max. 5000 weighted query in one hour.