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Rivi 1: Rivi 1:

'''ITS Factory''' is a new innovation, experimentation and development environment, where companies and individual developers can develop, test and productize traffic solutions.  
'''ITS Factory''' is a new innovation, experimentation and development environment, where companies and individual developers can develop, test and productize smart traffic solutions.  
<div style="display: flex;flex-wrap: wrap;justify-content: center;">

<div class="mainItem">
== [[File:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:Introduction|Introduction]] ==
* [[ITS_Definition|ITS = Intelligent Traffic Systems and Services]]
* [[ITS_Factory|What is ITS Factory?]]
* [ Smart Mobility - Tampere (video)]
* [[How_to_get_Started|How to get started?]]
<!--* [[FAQ|FAQ]]-->
<!--* [[:Category:Introduction|Read more...]]-->
<div class="mainItem">
== [[File:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:Public Transport APIs|Public Transport APIs]] ==
* [[Tampere_Public_Transport_SIRI_Interface_(Realtime JSON at|Tampere Public Transport SIRI Interface (Realtime JSON at]]
* [[Tampere_Public_Transport_SIRI_Interface_(Realtime XML|Tampere Public Transport SIRI Interface (Realtime XML]]
* [[Tampere_Public_Transport_SIRI_Interface_(Realtime)|Tampere Public Transport SIRI Interface (Realtime machine-to-machine)]]
* [[TRE_API_Public_Transport|TRE API Public Transport]]
* [[Tampere_Public_Transport_GTFS_feed|Tampere Public Transport GTFS Feed]]
* [[GTFS-RT|Tampere Public Transport GTFS-RT Feeds]]
* [[Journeys_API|Tampere Public Transport Journeys API]]
<!--* [[:Category:Public Transport APIs|Read more...]]-->
<!-- Other Traffic APIs -->
<div class="mainItem">
== [[Image:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:Other Traffic APIs|Other Traffic APIs]] ==
* Traffic flow: [[Tampere traffic lights API|Tampere traffic lights API]]
* Traffic flow: [[Tampere_incidents_and_roadworks_D2Light|Tampere incidents and roadworks D2Light]]
* Traffic flow: [[Tampere_pedestrian_and_bicycle_traffic_counter_API|Tampere pedestrian and bicycle traffic counter API]]
* Traffic flow: [[Tampere_traffic_camera_API|Tampere traffic camera API]]
* Traffic flow: [[:Category:Traffic_flow_APIs|All traffic flow APIs]]
* Parking: [[Tampere_Parking_DATEX2|Tampere Parking DATEX2 API]]
* Parking: [[:Category:Parking_APIs|All parking APIs]]
* Cycling: [[TRE_API_Cycling|TRE API Cycling]]
* [[API_resources |More info on API resources]]
<!--* [[:Category:Other Traffic APIs|Read more...]]-->
<!-- Applications -->
<div class="mainItem">
== [[Image:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:Applications|Applications]] ==
* [ Ajoissa Pysäkillä - timetables and maps for print]
* [ Nysse]  <b><font color=red>Apps4Finland awarded!</font></b>
* [[Repa_Reittiopas|Repa Reittiopas (Tampere)]]
* [[Lissu_Liikenteenseuranta|Lissu Liikenteenseuranta (Tampere)]]
* [ Tampere Live -]
* <i>Send email to dev-support@itsfactory to add your app here!</i>
<!--* [[:Category:Applications|Read more...]]-->
<!-- Geodata APIs-->
<div class="mainItem">
== [[File:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:Geodata APIs|Geodata APIs]] ==
* Geodata: [[Digiroad|Finnish Roads - Digiroad]]
* Geodata/Public Transportation:[[Tampere_bus_stops_API|Tampere bus stops]]
* Geodata/Public Transportation:[[Tampere_bus_routes_API|Tampere bus routes]]
* Geodata/Parking: [ Parking areas in Tampere]
* Geodata: [[Tampere_street_adresses_API|Tampere street addresses]]
* Geodata: [[Tampere_street_lighting_API|Tampere street lighting]]
* Geodata/Cycling: [[Tampere_bicycle_parking_API|Tampere bicycle parking]]
* Geodata/Cycling: [[Tampere_bicycle_routes_API|Tampere bicycle routes]]
* Geodata: [[Geodata|All Geodata APIs]]
* Geodata: [[The_City_Map_Service_(Oskari)|The_City_Map_Service_(Oskari)]]
<!-- Open Source Software-->
<div class="mainItem">
== [[File:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:OSS|Open Source Software]] ==
* [ ITS Factory Home repository] Sources for
* [ City Navigator project by HSL/Code4Europe] Co-project by HSL
* [ OpenTripPlanner] Recommended for trip routing
* [ OneBusAway] From US, use with care
* Demola project 2013 Report a Moose: [ Source code]
* Demola project 2014: [ Bycycle] [ Source code]
* Tampere Bus Tracking [ Source code]
* [ Tampere SIRI Traffic Analysis]
* [ SIRI REST Client for Android]
* <i>Send email to dev-support@itsfactory to add your project here!</i>
<!--* [[:Category:OSS|Read more...]]-->
<!-- Other Traffic Data Sources -->
<div class="mainItem">
== [[Image:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:Other Traffic Data Sources|Other Traffic Data Sources]] ==
* Open data: []
* Open data: []
* Open data: [ data]
* Open data: [ Open Digitraffic]
* Open data: [ Digiroad]
* Public Transportation: [[Finnish_National_Bus_Stop_Database|Finnish National Bus Stop Database]]
* Weather: [ Finnish Meteorological Institute Weather Data Catalog]
* Weather: [[Vaisala_Road_Weather_Data_Export|Vaisala Road Weather Data Export]]
* Weather: [[:Category:Weather_APIs|All weather APIs]]
<!--* [[:Category:Other Traffic Data Sources|Read more...]]-->
<!-- More Information -->
<div class="mainItem">
== [[File:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:More Information|More Information]] ==
* [[ITS_Standards|ITS Standards]]
* [[ITS_Finland|ITS Finland]]
* [ For the policy makers: Helsinki Open Transport Data Manifesto] [ Illustration]
<!--* [[:Category:More Information|Read more...]]-->
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<td style="margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #b1c903; padding:0 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#f6f6f6; align:right;vertical-align:top;">
<td style="width:25%; margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #b1c903; padding:0 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#f6f6f6; align:right;vertical-align:top;">

== [[File:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:Introduction|Introduction]] ==
== [[File:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:Introduction|Introduction]] ==
Rivi 11: Rivi 122:
* [[ITS_Definition|ITS = Intelligent Traffic Systems and Services]]
* [[ITS_Definition|ITS = Intelligent Traffic Systems and Services]]
* [[ITS_Factory|What is ITS Factory?]]
* [[ITS_Factory|What is ITS Factory?]]
* [ Smart Mobility - Tampere (video)]
* [[How_to_get_Started|How to get started?]]
* [[How_to_get_Started|How to get started?]]
* [[FAQ|FAQ]]
* [[FAQ|FAQ]]
Rivi 16: Rivi 128:

<td style="margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #b1c903; padding:0 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#f6f6f6; align:right;vertical-align:top;">
<td style="width:25%; margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #b1c903; padding:0 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#f6f6f6; align:right;vertical-align:top;">
== [[File:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:Public Transport APIs|Public Transport APIs]] ==
* [[Tampere_Public_Transport_SIRI_Interface_(Realtime JSON at|Tampere Public Transport SIRI Interface (Realtime JSON at]]
* [[Tampere_Public_Transport_SIRI_Interface_(Realtime XML|Tampere Public Transport SIRI Interface (Realtime XML]]
* [[Tampere_Public_Transport_SIRI_Interface_(Realtime)|Tampere Public Transport SIRI Interface (Realtime machine-to-machine)]]
* [[TRE_API_Public_Transport|TRE API Public Transport]]
* [[Tampere_Public_Transport_GTFS_feed|Tampere Public Transport GTFS Feed]]
* [[GTFS-RT|Tampere Public Transport GTFS-RT Feeds]] <b><font color=red>NEW!</font></b>
* [[Journeys_API|Tampere Public Transport Journeys API]]
* [[:Category:Public Transport APIs|Read more...]]
<td style="width:25%; margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #b1c903; padding:0 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#f6f6f6; align:right;vertical-align:top;">
== [[Image:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:Other Traffic APIs|Other Traffic APIs]] ==
* Traffic flow: [[Tampere traffic lights API|Tampere traffic lights API]] <b><font color=red>NEW!</font></b>
* Traffic flow: [[Tampere_incidents_and_roadworks_D2Light|Tampere incidents and roadworks D2Light]] <b><font color=red>NEW!</font></b>
* Traffic flow: [[Tampere_pedestrian_and_bicycle_traffic_counter_API|Tampere pedestrian and bicycle traffic counter API]]
* Traffic flow: [[Tampere_traffic_camera_API|Tampere traffic camera API]]
* Traffic flow: [[:Category:Traffic_flow_APIs|All traffic flow APIs]]
* Parking: [[Tampere_Parking_DATEX2|Tampere Parking DATEX2 API]]
* Parking: [[:Category:Parking_APIs|All parking APIs]]
* Cycling: [[TRE_API_Cycling|TRE API Cycling]]
* [[API_resources |More info on API resources]]
* [[:Category:Other Traffic APIs|Read more...]]
<td style="width:25%; margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #b1c903; padding:0 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#f6f6f6; align:right;vertical-align:top;">
== [[Image:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:Applications|Applications]] ==
* [ Ajoissa Pysäkillä - timetables and maps for print]
* [ Nysse]  <b><font color=red>Apps4Finland awarded!</font></b>
* [[Repa_Reittiopas|Repa Reittiopas (Tampere)]]
* [[Lissu_Liikenteenseuranta|Lissu Liikenteenseuranta (Tampere)]]
* [ Tampere Live -]
* <i>Send email to dev-support@itsfactory to add your app here!</i>
* [[:Category:Applications|Read more...]]
<td style="width:25%; margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #b1c903; padding:0 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#f6f6f6; align:right;vertical-align:top;">
== [[File:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:Geodata APIs|Geodata APIs]] ==
* Geodata: [[Digiroad|Finnish Roads - Digiroad]]
* Geodata/Public Transportation:[[Tampere_bus_stops_API|Tampere bus stops]]
* Geodata/Public Transportation:[[Tampere_bus_routes_API|Tampere bus routes]]
* Geodata/Parking: [ Parking areas in Tampere]
* Geodata: [[Tampere_street_adresses_API|Tampere street addresses]]
* Geodata: [[Tampere_street_lighting_API|Tampere street lighting]]
* Geodata/Cycling: [[Tampere_bicycle_parking_API|Tampere bicycle parking]]
* Geodata/Cycling: [[Tampere_bicycle_routes_API|Tampere bicycle routes]]
* Geodata: [[The_City_Map_Service_(Oskari)|The City Map Service (Oskari)]]
<td style="width:25%; margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #b1c903; padding:0 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#f6f6f6; align:right;vertical-align:top;">

== [[File:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:Community|Community]] ==
== [[File:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:OSS|Open Source Software]] ==
* [ ITS Factory Home repository] Sources for
* [ City Navigator project by HSL/Code4Europe] Co-project by HSL
* [ OpenTripPlanner] Recommended for trip routing
* [ OneBusAway] From US, use with care
* Demola project 2013 Report a Moose: [ Source code]
* Demola project 2014: [ Bycycle] [ Source code]
* Tampere Bus Tracking [ Source code]
* [ Tampere SIRI Traffic Analysis]
* [ SIRI REST Client for Android]
* <i>Send email to dev-support@itsfactory to add your project here!</i>
* [[:Category:OSS|Read more...]]

* [[Developer_sandbox|Developer sandbox pilot 2013]] <pre style="color: red">'''NEW!'''</pre>
<td style="width:25%; margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #b1c903; padding:0 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#f6f6f6; align:right;vertical-align:top;">
* [[Developer_questionnaire|Fill in Developer Questionnaire]]
== [[Image:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:Other Traffic Data Sources|Other Traffic Data Sources]] ==
* [[Events|Developer Events and Competitions]]
* Open data: []
* [[Discussion|Developer Discussions]]
* Open data: []
* [[Members|Community Members]]
* Open data: [ data]
* [[:Category:Community|Read more...]]
* Open data: [ Open Digitraffic]
* Open data: [ Digiroad]
* Public Transportation: [[Finnish_National_Bus_Stop_Database|Finnish National Bus Stop Database]]
* Weather: [ Finnish Meteorological Institute Weather Data Catalog]
* Weather: [[Vaisala_Road_Weather_Data_Export|Vaisala Road Weather Data Export]]
* Weather: [[:Category:Weather_APIs|All weather APIs]]
* [[:Category:Other Traffic Data Sources|Read more...]]

<td style="margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #b1c903; padding:0 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#f6f6f6; align:right;vertical-align:top;">
<td style="width:25%; margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #b1c903; padding:0 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#f6f6f6; align:right;vertical-align:top;">
== [[File:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:More Information|More Information]] ==
== [[File:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:More Information|More Information]] ==

* [[ITS_Standards|ITS Standards]]
* [[ITS_Standards|ITS Standards]]
* [[ITS_Finland|ITS Finland]]
* [[ITS_Finland|ITS Finland]]
* [[Glossary|Glossary of Terms]]
* [[Links|General Links]]
* [ For the policy makers: Helsinki Open Transport Data Manifesto] [ Illustration]
* [ For the policy makers: Helsinki Open Transport Data Manifesto] [ Illustration]
* [ Questions&Answers (in Finnish)]
* [[:Category:More Information|Read more...]]
* [[:Category:More Information|Read more...]]

== ITS Factory Resources ==
<div style="display: flex;flex-wrap: wrap;justify-content: center;">
<div class="resourceItem ">
== [[File:Banneri_uusi_tiny.jpg]]<br> Web page: [] ==
* Organisation overview and main activities
* Contact information
<div class="resourceItem ">
== [[File:ITSFactoryTiny.jpg]]<br> Developer wiki: [] ==
* Data catalog of public and private data sources
* Developer documentation
<div class="resourceItem ">
== [[File:Data_itsfactory_fi_tiny.jpg]]<br> Data sources: [] ==
* Data and APIs published through ITS Factory data server
<div class="resourceItem ">
== [[File:Dev_itsfactory_fi_tiny.jpg]]<br> Developer sandbox: [] ==
* Gallery of applications running in sandbox
<table cellspacing="10" style="width:100%;">
<td style="margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #b1c903; padding:0 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#f6f6f6; align:right;vertical-align:top;">
<td style="width:25%; margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #b1c903; padding:0 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#ffffff; align:center;vertical-align:top;">
== [[File:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:Public Transport APIs|Public Transport APIs]] ==
* [[Tampere_Reittiopas_API|Tampere Reittiopas API]]
== [[File:Banneri_uusi_tiny.jpg]]<br> Web page: [] ==
* [[Tampere_Public_Transport_SIRI_Interface_(Realtime)|Tampere Public Transport SIRI Interface (Realtime)]]
* Organisation overview and main activities
* [[Tampere_Public_Transport_SIRI_Interface_(Static)|Tampere Public Transport SIRI Interface (Static)]]
* Contact information
* [[Tampere_Public_Transport_GTFS_feed|Tampere Public Transport GTFS Feed]]
* [[HSL_Reittiopas_API|HSL Reittiopas API]]
* [[Matka.fi_API| API]]
<td style="width:25%; margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #b1c903; padding:0 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#ffffff; align:center;vertical-align:top;">
* [[Junat_kartalla_API|Junat Kartalla API]]
* [[API_resources |More info on API resources]]
== [[File:ITSFactoryTiny.jpg]]<br> Developer wiki: [] ==
* [[:Category:Public Transport APIs|Read more...]]
* Data catalog of public and private data sources
* Developer documentation

<td style="margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #b1c903; padding:0 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#f6f6f6; align:right;vertical-align:top;">
<td style="width:25%; margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #b1c903; padding:0 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#ffffff; align:center;vertical-align:top;">
== [[Image:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:Other Traffic APIs|Other Traffic APIs]] ==
== [[File:Data_itsfactory_fi_tiny.jpg]]<br> Data sources: [] ==
* Data and APIs published through ITS Factory data server

* [[Digitraffic|Digitraffic]]
* [[Traffic_flow_APIs|Traffic flow APIs]]
* [[Parking_information_APIs|Parking APIs]]
* [[Cycling_and_pedestrian_APIs|Cycling and Pedestrian APIs]]
* [[API_resources |More info on API resources]]
* [[API_roadmap|ITS Factory API roadmap]]
* [[:Category:Other Traffic APIs|Read more...]]

<td style="margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #b1c903; padding:0 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#f6f6f6; align:right;vertical-align:top;">
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== [[Image:Main_page_icon1.jpg]] [[:Category:Applications|Applications]] ==

* [[Repa_Reittiopas|Repa Reittiopas (Tampere)]]
== [[File:Dev_itsfactory_fi_tiny.jpg]]<br> Developer sandbox: [] ==
* [[Lissu_Liikenteenseuranta|Lissu Liikenteenseuranta (Tampere)]]
* Gallery of applications running in sandbox
* [[Kevyen_liikenteen_Reittiopas|Kevyen liikenteen reittiopas (Tampere)]]
* [[HSL_Reittiopas|HSL Reittiopas]]
* [[HSL_Live|HSL Live]]
* [[:Category:Applications|Read more...]]
== Handy ITS Factory Wiki links ==
== Handy ITS Factory Wiki links ==
* [[Special:AllPages]]
* [[Special:AllPages]]
Rivi 84: Rivi 296:
* [[Special:ListFiles]]
* [[Special:ListFiles]]
* [[Ideas_for_this_wiki|Ideas for this wiki!]]
* [[Ideas_for_this_wiki|Ideas for this wiki!]]
<font size="-2">This work is licensed under a [ Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License].</font>