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Tampere Public Transport SIRI Interface (Realtime JSON at

ITS Factory Developer Wikistä

ITS Factory provides realtime data from Tampere Public Transportation. All the data comes from Realtime SIRI interface in Tampere Public Transport Information System (IJ2010).

The original SIRI XML data is converted to JSON for client accesses. Please see "API Access" later on this page for details on how to access the API.

This interface is intended for developers aiming to develop solutions and services that use real-time public transport data. Realtime information is updated every second. The provided real-time SIRI services offer the same information that was previously only available for passenger information displays and for Lissu Liikenteenseuranta web portal.

Basic Information

Data formats: XML and JSON
Standard: SIRI. Remark: This API is a JSON modification of the SIRI 1.3 standard. Officially the JSON extension will be part of the SIRI 2.0 version of the standard, but that is not yet approved.
Availability: P9/2013
Maintainance: ITS Factory (

Data scope

Tampere bus traffic.

Data contents

  • (Available) SIRI-service: Vehicle Monitoring (VM)
  • (Available) SIRI-service: General Messaging (GM)
  • (Planned) SIRI-service: Stop Monitoring (SM)

Access constraints

  • Access is open for anyone during beta phase, after beta phase access is given by request.
  • Use is free of charge.
  • Distribution and re-use of the data is allowed.

API access

For SIRI Vehicle Monitoring

For SIRI General Messages

See ITS Factory Siri Access Developer Guide for how to access the API in JSON and SIRI XML formats.

Access request

Account requests: (after beta phase)

More information

The service is part of ITS Factory Developer Sandbox.